Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blog Feature - GIGGLES N GRINS

I'm so excited to do our first shop review for Hearts for Adoption! Michelle from Giggles N Grins was kind enough to answer all my questions. Michelle is currently raising funds for a domestic adoption and her shop is great! You'll love it!
Click HERE to enter Giggles N Grins!

'Interview' with Michelle:

Tell me two interesting things about you.
I love to do graphic designs, and I have 14 nieces and nephews

What do you sell in your Etsy shop?
Mainly children’s items (clothing, hair pretties & accessories)

What inspires your creations?
My daughter

Tell me a bit about your creative process and/or how you learned to do what you do.
I taught myself to crochet at about the age of 10. I love experimenting with things I’ve never done before to see if I can achieve what it shows. I learned to do the headbands about 3 mths ago and just love combining different colors to see what I come up with.

What makes your shop unique?
I try to incorporate many different things, not just one specific thing to give the customer more choices for what they want.

Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations?
Adventures of a SAHM

Tell us a bit about your adoption. Where are you in the process (homestudy, in process, waiting, saving to start etc)

We are currently saving to start. We will be actively looking for agencies in October.

International or Domestic?
We are currently pursuing a domestic adoption, although we would really be open to anything.

Can you tell us about your journey so far?
We have had 2 children that we thought were going to be ours, that in the end did not end up coming to us. We have been heartbroken twice and look forward to what the future holds.

What do you want others to know about adoption?
I want others to know that adoption is such a difficult thing to go through. To think about an expectant mother making the most difficult choice of her life, to give her child to someone else is just incomprehensible and so selfless. I think so many people view adoption as an easy out for having unprotected sex. They have it all wrong. It is probably the single most difficult thing a woman or man will probably ever do & I have so much respect for women who choose adoption as an option or alternative for their child. And then to think of the adoptive parents who go in with so many unknowns. Will I be chosen? Am I good enough? Good looking enough? Wealthy enough? Then if an adoption falls through. It’s just a roller coaster of emotions for everyone involved. I just don’t think people understand how difficult it really is for everyone involved. I think many people think that all you have to do is go to any agency/attorney & nine mths later you get a baby. That’s not how it happens and I really wish people understood adoption a little better. It’s a relationship that is formed not only between adoptive parent & child but between the adoptive parent & the birth mother/father. Whether you have an open or close adoption, there are still bonds that are formed between everyone involved. The birth mother/father will never forget the child they gave birth to & the adoptive family will never be able to say thank you adequately to that family for giving them such a treasure.

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